The "Package Name Already Exists" error typically occurs after hitting the send button. This error is not referring to the actual name of the package, but several placement fields that collectively make up this "package name" (this is utilized by the agency).
To resolve the error, pull the drop-down menu to 'All' to view possible placement values which can contribute to the "Package Name". You will update some of these fields slightly to make the "Package Names" unique and get past the error in question.
After entering in a unique value, you will need to click in and out of the Name column to clear the error. Save and Send.
In our example below the T-TACTIC column is contributing to the "Package Name", this is free-form field so we added a 1 and 2 to make unique.
*TIP- fields that typically contribute to the package name are headers that are both CAPITALIZED and free-form.
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